Sunday, 20 September 2015

You Should Always Use English Correctly

‘You should always use correct English’


I completely agree with this statement how do you expect to get a job interview if your speech doesn’t make sense? In my opinion using correct English makes you come across as a polite, well educated and interesting person. I find when I speak to or have a conversation with someone who uses English correctly the conversation flows better, there’s nothing worse than a misunderstanding or an awkward pause within a conversation.


Some people may argue correct English isn’t appropriate in every situation. For example talking to a small child as their speech doesn’t range to a high level yet. But seriously how will they ever learn if they haven’t been in a conversation/heard people use complex words. If a child never gets introduced and encouraged using the correct English, in certain situations they may come across as rude.

On the other hand I do understand how it would be difficult to continue to speak English correctly to someone who doesn’t speak the language. I think in this situation you shouldn’t use the correct English as you need to be concise and as simple as possible to get your point across. When speaking to someone foreign we tend to miss out connectives and don’t include words that would string the sentence together. I also find that we talk louder as if it would help...Speaking like this isn’t correct or polite but it is understandable for those with no knowledge of the English language.


When providing information for a person or group of people it is SO important to be correct in which the way you speak so people receive the needed information. By doing this it makes you look prepared and organised, it also is more interesting for the listener, making them feel your information is a reliable resource. If you know what you’re talking about, you will feel less inclined to say ‘filler words’, for example; like, erm and um. This will make the person delivering the information feel more confident and at ease.


There is nothing worse than speaking incorrectly when trying to win an argument, so why would you risk not knowing? It makes you look weak and gives you opponent an advantage over you. For example in a debate are you really going to seem powerful if you aren’t sure on your English language? People of the opposition won’t take you seriously at all and the powerfulness people are looking for won’t be there.


It’s not as if by using the correct English you are going to instantly sound like the queen or come across as snobby by others. It will make you easier to understand and you will have an advantage to all of those who aren’t completely correct in their speech.


Using correct English is so important in every situation. Get into the habit of being correct it will make you look and feel so much more intelligent. Once you have mastered the skill you can help others to improve theirs.


Word count:498

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